Update: Working!

In February I was picked up by a architecture firm here in Puget Sound (the name of which I’ll reveal later on) who specialize in healthcare design.  I started that job two weeks ago, and things are going very well.  I am really looking forward to learning about healthcare design, and beginning my hours for IDP and working toward sitting for the ARE.

This site will be updated to include the planning items – they’ve been pulled from the archive, and now I just need a little -time- to get them uploaded.  Time is something that (happily) I am very short of these days!

Stay tuned!


Status of Updates…

Just an FYI on site updates…

I am in the process of updating this site; adding information and images from my theses, planning program and items from other studios – however I have run into a few issues with WordPress and their code – and I have an unexpected trip to Oregon deal with, so it will take a little longer than I had planned…

I am now planning to try and have everything up before the holidays.

If there is something specific you would like information on, please feel to contact me at seanengle@gmail.com



Welcome Back!

After a long summer break largely spent back east visiting family in four states and attending weddings in two others, I have now returned to prepare our home for the upcoming Washington winter, and to pursue an architectural intern position at a local architecture firm.

This site will be updated more frequently in the upcoming days, so if you find incomplete pages, please check back (or email me at seanengle@gmail.com).



One Chapter Ends & Another Begins…

Well, good bye University of Washington – hello workforce! I just completed two graduate degrees at UW: a Master of Architecture (M.Arch)  and Master of Urban Planning (MUP).  Both degrees are accompanied by certificates in Urban Design and Lighting Design.

This website is intended as a single point of contact and demonstration of both my background and recent design efforts for my upcoming job search.  With upcoming family visits and wedding(s) – I am hopeful to have this site, and my portfolio completed by the end of the summer.  We’ll see… =)

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at seanengle@gmail.com.
